Tuesday, October 9, 2012

#1: "Finding the Sun"

"Finding the Sun" by Edward Albee

Character list:
Abigail (23); Mousy brown/blond hair, pinched features; not tall; thinnish, not pretty, but not plain. Benjamin's wife.
Benjamin (30); Thirty; blond, willowy-handsome; medium height.
Cordelia (28); Attractive in a cold way; dark or raven hair; tallish; good figure. Daniel's wife.
Daniel (37); Dark; tall; good-looking.
Edmee (45); Smallish; together; a stylish matron. Fergus's mother.
Fergus (16); Blond, handsome, healthy kid; swimmer's body.
Gertrude (60); Small, gray hair, deeply tanned, thinnish, elegant outdoors woman. Henden's wife.
Henden (70); Big, sprawly man; white hair; looks like a retired diplomat.

8 characters: 4 men, 4 women.

Eight beach chairs imply the setting. Each group of two walks in, when Daniel and Benjamin recognize each other, proclaiming their love for one another. Meanwhile, Fergus is going around meeting everyone while Abigail and Cordelia are arguing about the sexual orientation of their husbands. Edmee has an opposite Oedipus complex towards Fergus. Fergus contemplates suicide. Henden is Daniel's father, and you discover the trouble in their relationship. Eventually, Abigail threatens to leave Ben for the umpteenth time, and Ben tries to convince Cordelia and Daniel to let him live with them. Then, Henden dies in the last scene, and Fergus is nowhere to be found.

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