Sunday, October 7, 2012

3 Pieces of Art

1. Future imagined from the 1920s. I just recently stumbled upon this picture, and--in truth--this particular picture isn't as important as the idea behind it. I adore the ideas held about the future from the 1920s, particularly the Art Deco style put upon the future.

2. Alice in Wonderland by Brandi Milne. Brandi Milne's style of artwork is profoundly beautiful to me and when she applied it to my favorite story--Alice--I jumped for joy. The color palate and the length of the legs are two particular elements which I love.

3. L'Annuncio (The Trinity) by Salvador Dali. This painting hangs in the Vatican Museum and I fell in love with it. I love Dali's work in general but this particular piece--with its use of warm lighting that is set off by the cool silvers and dark blacks is enchanting.

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