Sunday, October 7, 2012

#2: Visual Art

"Magnolias on Gold Velvet Cloth" by Martin Johnson Heade
I like this painting so much because I first discovered it when I was six in a board game called "Masterpiece."     It was my favorite piece out of the assorted forty or so in the game, and I was always crushed if I didn't get it while playing. Now, it holds a sentimental image of my childhood (which was a pretty great childhood), so this will always be my favorite piece of art. Also, the duller gray/black contrasted with the gold, white, and green fills me with hope, knowing that light will defeat the darkness.

Painted on a post 2/3 of the way up the Hollywood Sign hike.
I saw this post while I was walking the Hollywood sign with some intern friends I made over the summer. To me, this symbolizes that I am working at my dream job already and that all the hard work I've done has paid off. It's so encouraging to all people who walk the sign, knowing they have made it to the town where their dreams can come to fruition. I LOVE it. :)

The Toshiba Tower, Irvine

I have been fascinated with this building since freshman year. It's not as cool as I thought it would be up close, but from far away it looks like there is a huge chunk out of the side of the building. I find it so interesting because I have no sense of understanding about how the building doesn't fall over. I think it is so wonderful the creativity the architect had in their design.

*If you can't tell already, most art for me, in order to be meaningful, has to have a personal connection from my life attached to it. Also, I enjoy unconventional forms of art. Interestingly enough, I feel the same way about theater (to an extent).

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