Tuesday, October 9, 2012

27 Wagons Full of Cotton Play Summary

Characters: (2M, 1F)

"27 Wagons Full of Cotton" by Tennessee Williams
Jake Meighan: A Cotton-Gin Owner
Flora: His Wife
Silva Vicarro: Superintendent of the Syndicate Plantation


Taking place in Blue Mountain, Mississippi, Flora leaves her house when a fire breaks out on the Syndicate Plantation near her house hold. Her husband Jake, who owns a cotton gin, returns home. She questions him on where he was, prompting him to physically abuse her until she lies about him being at the house the entire day. He rewards her with sexual advances. The next afternoon, the superintendent of the Syndicate plantations, Silva, visits the house of a very happy Jake as he has been recently been commissioned to transport 27 wagons of cotton in light of the recent fire. He brags about this as he leaves. Vicarro attempts to wrestle the truth out of Flora in regards to Jake's real location during and after the fire as he believes Jake may have committed arsony on the plantation. He begins to advance on her sexually. Flora tries to escape by going inside the house but Vicarro's follows her into the house where he rapes her. Later that evening Jake returns to a physically and emotionally ravaged Flora. She tells him that Vicarro may pay more visits to the house in the future much to Jake's complete oblivious attitude of her recent rape. He goes inside, leaving her in her emotionally crippled state as she sings.

~Michael Canas~

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