Monday, October 8, 2012

Three Images

Pablo Picasso's Woman with a Mandolin

I've always liked the look of cubism.  Disparate parts come together to make a singular vision.  I also really like the color in this particular painting.  (Or lack there of I suppose.)

I think this symbol for equality is simple and effective.  It communicates a fantastic message with two lines.

This is a photo from President Obama's inauguration.  The historic nature of the event will forever be entwined with my personal feelings.  The country seemed hopeful and united.  Optimism seemed to sweep through the divided and cantankerous nation.  An estimated one million people showed up to usher in this new era of the American dream.  President Obama's story encapsulated the values that we as Americans hold so dear to our hearts.  That anyone who works hard can aspire and achieve their goals.  I think I will always look back at this photo and remember the hope and probably naivete.

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