Sunday, October 7, 2012

Three pieces of visual art

ART #1

I wanted to find an image of the ghost light in the Claire Trevor theatre but couldn't locate one I was crazy about and this is closest to the image I had in mind. I'm very attracted to the ideal/mental picture of the ever-watchful protector commissioned to protect his/her charge alone against the darkness. Grandiose cliches aside, I LOVE ghost lights because they really embody that heroic ideal so perfectly. It really illustrates that ray-of-hope factor!

ART #2
I am a big supporter of nature and just tranquility in general. I never pass up a good chance to mingle with some trees! I love this picture because it reminds me of opportunity bound for success and childhood. Also the vivid autumn colors really bring out a vivacity of life amongst the trees and I think that's worth looking into as well.
ART #3
I wrote this once in my "favorite visual art" question on Wednesday, but I was always a sucker for a single red spotlight on stage. That hair-on-the-back-of-your-neck suspense that occurs when the light comes on works everytime for me and the potential for a sublime, dark, and eerie good time at the theatre always fills up to the brim when this little guy turns on.
~Michael Canas~

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