Saturday, October 6, 2012

Visual Arts!

My favorite painting of all time is Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh

I feel that this one image encapsulates an entire fantasy. I like to imagine what life is like in the tucked away town. There is also a song called "Starry Starry Night" by Don McLean that I have a strong connection to, making me even more attached to the painting.

A photograph that I love and that hung on the wall opposite my bed all last year is "V-J Day in Times Square" by Alfred Eisenstaedt.

I am a sucker for U.S. history and romance. I love the idea that a man was so overcome with joy and excitement because WWII was finally over, that he literally could not help but grab that women and plant a kiss on her. I think it is meaningful and beautiful to see such a moment of happiness.

I recently have become a huge fan of the anime series One Piece. I always viewed anime as a stigmatized, lesser art form, but once I actually gave it a chance, I was pleasantly surprised.

This is the character Chopper from One Piece. He is my absolute favorite. This picture shows the wonder and pleasure that the character feels from finally finding a place that he is accepted.

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