Saturday, October 6, 2012

Gigi Greene - Post #2 (Visual Arts)

1. Unknown Artist

I searched and searched, but I cannot find any sort of clue as to where this picture came from, who took it, or when, but I absolutely love it. There's something just so serene about the look on this little girl's face, even though the scenario is beyond absurd. This picture is not photoshopped, which makes it all the better in my opinion. 

2. Full Fathom Five - Jackson Pollock

I love Jackson Pollock's work. There's something so wild and yet so cohesive about all of his abstraction. A fun fact about Pollock is that in all of his paintings, he would write secrets at the base of his canvas, and then splatter paint all over it, so all of his paintings hold secrets that only he knows about. I love that. 

3. Kate Moss by Lance Staedler for Glamour France, 1992

This is a picture from Glamour France that was taken for a fashion shoot ten years ago. I think that this is a great photograph for a number of reasons. The lightness of the balloons and the dress paired with the hard looking girl with the cigarette in her hand is so compelling. The photo is so oxymoronic and so interesting, and it's been one of my favorite photographs since I first saw it. 

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