Sunday, October 7, 2012

3 Pieces of Visual Art

#1: Fight Club ending

Fight Club is one of my favorite movies and I really enjoy this piece of artwork which was made by a fan of the film. This piece of art is very politically charged, as is the film, which is why I appreciate it so much. The piece for me symbolizes the destruction of corrupt institutions, rebirth and harmony between all peoples. I really enjoy the colors and shadows that the artist has utilized as well to give their vision life. This piece has also been my desktop background for many months now and I love seeing it every time I open my computer.

Fight Club

#2: The Golden Gate Bridge.

Last Thanksgiving, I took a drive with some friends up to San Francisco for the first time. I was awestruck by the size and majestic quality of the bridge when I first encountered it. It was just amazing to be walking on something so historic and beautiful. I find it incredible that something so immense and long can be held up like it is and still have the capacity to hold of several automobiles and people simultaneously. Suspension bridges really are a wonder.

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco

#3: The Thinker

When I was in high school, I had my room decked out with my dad's old 1970's blacklight posters. I saw this particular poster online and I really wanted to add it to my room, but the provider stopped making it and it became impossible to find. Nevertheless, I still liked the dark, eerie feeling of this poster. I love all the different shades of purple and the glad expression on the skeleton's face, even though he is all alone pondering on his giant mushroom. The silhouettes of the trees and mountains in front of the moon look awesome, and the shade of the green grass is quaint and seems to be glowing. I would travel to the world within this poster if I was given the opportunity. I don't know how long I would stay there, but I would give it a shot.